[OFB Cafe] Liberals Run From First Amendment Support

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Tue Jul 22 11:54:46 CDT 2008

Congress is feeling the pressure from MRC Action Team members
who are bombarding them with phone calls, faxes and letters--
all demanding an up or down vote for the Broadcaster Freedom
Act (H.R. 2905).

How much pressure?

Congressman Pence reports that many liberals have approached
him saying, "My constituents are really giving it to me on the
Fairness Doctrine and the Broadcaster Freedom Act. Anything
I can do, you let me know." To which Rep. Pence always replies,
"Sign the discharge petition," at which point the liberal falls
silent and briskly walks away--compliments of Nancy Pelosi's gag order!

Who are the liberals representing?

           Despite being a vital issue of free speech, liberals are
           ignoring the will of the people they should be representing
           and continue blindly following Nancy Pelosi!

           The people have spoken on the Broadcaster Freedom Act,
           and it deserves a full and fair up or down vote--but it won't
           happen unless we crank up the pressure even more in the
           days ahead!

We need you to take a moment to stand with us and tens
of thousands of MRC Action Team members who have already signed our
petition demanding an end to the "Fairness Doctrine", and the threat
it has on our free speech rights.

Click here to sign:


Just a couple of weeks ago, the MRC made a dramatic petition delivery
to key members of Congress--including Nancy Pelosi, but we need more
Americans standing with us as we defend our free speech rights!

Please help by clicking here:


Congress is leaving session at the end of July for a month long recess
and when they return in the Fall their primary focus will be on
It is essential that we move quickly to bring the Broadcaster Freedom Act
to the floor, and your immediate support is needed.

         We have an opportunity to forever
         end the threat of the "Fairness Doctrine" but we need to
         really impress our will upon certain members of Congress
         who seem satisfied to undermine our free speech rights.

Thanks in advance for signing our national petition.

Media Research Center

Linux is an old Latin word meaning, "I don't have
to support your Windows anymore."

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