[OFB Cafe] Hicks and City Slickehs

Fred Smith fps at xicada.com
Mon Jul 21 19:08:13 CDT 2008

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 9:46 AM, Chris Olson <chris.olson at live.com> wrote:

> The whole Big City thing is wasteful because the people living there are largely idiots that never think about something as simple as slowing down to the speed limit saves on fuel (and man's resources).

I'm in LA this week on business, and driving around today reminded me
of the water shortage discussion earlier.  You know what 80% of the
water used in LA goes to?  Watering lawns.  You can't keep grass
growing in the western US without dumping water on it constantly, and
people here love green lawns.  I'm certain that if push came to shove,
and people were struggling to get drinking water, all that would stop.
 So while LA probably couldn't produce enough food within city limits
to feed everyone, water wouldn't be a problem.  Of course, in the
east, that's completely different.  It does this thing called rain
pretty regularly, and as a result, my lawn grows way too fast
naturally.  Neither mine, nor the house I grew up in ever had a
sprinkler system, and the lawns are pretty lush.  I don't think I've
seen a running sprinkler in years, other than times I travel outside
of the northeast.

So here's my suggestion for saving natural resources.  If you're
watering anything; lawns, corn crops, vegetable gardens or whatever,
you're wasting resources. It rains. If it doesn't rain near you, stop
trying to grow things. Move somewhere where it does rain if you want
to be surrounded with green.

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