[OFB Cafe] Inexpensive cameras

Rick rwbowers at gmail.com
Sat Jul 19 11:14:31 CDT 2008

I'm going on vacation next week and decided I need to replace my aging
dinosuar of a digital camera; a Kodak DC-280. It's not a bad camera, and
does 2MP. The pictures are fine for my current needs, as I no longer do any
serious photography. It's more for "point-and-shoot". I travel for business
and want something small.

I had an Olympus camera, but it died when I landed in Australia. My only
pictures of that trip, and I actually had a few days to sight-see, were from
my camera phone. So zoom, resolution, clarity, etc. weren't available and
the pictures are lousy. I had the some problem when I was in London for two
weeks. Camera phone pictures :-(

I'm looking for something decent and inexpensive and small. I like the Canon
SD1100 so far.

What are your opinions??


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