[OFB Cafe] Hicks and City Slickehs

Chris Olson chris.olson at live.com
Sat Jul 19 08:12:01 CDT 2008

From: Fred Smith 
Sent: Saturday, July 19, 2008 1:20 AM
To: An Open Discussion Forum on Just About Everything,Especially for Techies. 
Subject: Re: [OFB Cafe] Hicks and City Slickehs

> So sure, seal off the cities and let 'em starve.  Then you can go back
> to planting food the old fashioned way, with a mule and an iron plow.

I see your point, and it's quite valid in our age of technology.  However, I'm talking about a survival situation because that's what it'll boil down to in the end when there's a shortage of fresh water and food to support the world's population.  If mankind continues to rape the planet in the name of technology, Mother Nature will eventually win.

"Man, despite his artistic pretentions, and his sophistication and many accomplishments, still owes his very existence to a six-inch layer of topsoil and the fact that it rains......."

Companies today call themselves "green".  I don't know where this term came from, but it's a joke.  Mankind does not live in balance with nature.  He's a net user of the planet's resources in a very big way and he thinks he's invincible.  He's not.  Mother Nature has the power to wipe every human off the face of this planet with a wave of her hand and man's technology is powerless to do anything about it.  If man doesn't learn to respect her power, instead of thinking he has control, it'll be his eventual demise.

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