[OFB Cafe] Hicks and City Slickehs

Derek Broughton auspex at pointerstop.ca
Fri Jul 18 14:24:54 CDT 2008

On July 18, 2008 15:04:55 Chris Olson wrote:
> So the well-off are going to be able to afford to eat 

You think ?

> The Chinese have raped millions of acres of farmland
> by initiating irrigation projects that failed when the ground water ran out
> - what used to be marginal farmland is now desert.  

Don't worry about the Chinese.  The problem is at least as bad in the US.  
It's not LA, as you suggest, it's practically the whole continent West of the 
Mississippi.  And it's Canadian water you're going to be coming after.

> Not many City Slickehs realize this or even think about it.  They think
> food comes from a supermarket or deli and they have no clue what it takes
> to get it there. 

No, they don't, but don't think you're part of the solution, with your dozens 
of non-farm-use vehicles.

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