[OFB Cafe] Cool Electric Bike

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Sun Jul 13 21:43:25 CDT 2008

Donald R Spoon wrote:
> Now this sounds rather cool...
> http://tinyurl.com/6zlob2
> Note they have a "street-legal" model coming out soon.  A 60 mile range 
> would get me across town and back just fine.  Slap a solar panel on it 
> to recharge it while parked and you have a pretty low-cost transport!!
> It could be good for rounding up the stray buffalo or even a few cows... 
> even getting the herd together for branding!

'Never know. ;) By the by, in a few years there will be NEW solar panels 
available that will produce 10x or more juice than current solar 
concentrators are able to do!! In involves some dyes that are used to 
coat glass or plastic that concentrates light to solar cells around the 
outside of the "panel."


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