[OFB Cafe] Cafe List

saki tjmc at torhouse.eclipse.co.uk
Sun Jul 13 12:23:26 CDT 2008

Chris Olson wrote:

> Well, good for you.  From my standpoint, plain text email (or any document) is the equivalent of watching TV in black and white when you have the option of watching the same program in color High Definition.  The deathly fear of HTML that some of you folks exhibit, perhaps, is a combination of things;
>   a.. clinging to the "old ways" (unwillingness to change) 
>   b.. a belief that HTML somehow has something to do with Microsoft and Microsoft is responsible for Global Warming, the gradual decline of email lists, famine, drought, floods, and the fact that the universe is expanding 
>   c.. your house is black and white, your car is black and white, your cat is black and white, your dog is black and white, your TV is black and white, your computer screen is black and white, you use Mutt for your email client and Lynx for your web browser, you speak in monotones, and by cracky - email should be like the rest of your life

All I can see is that your mind is black and white, but "There are two 
kinds of fools: those who say it is old therefore it is good, and those 
who say it is new, therefore it is better."

And please don't ascribe to others thoughts and beliefs with which you 


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