[OFB Cafe] Cafe List

Fred A. Miller fmiller at lightlink.com
Sat Jul 12 21:26:04 CDT 2008

Timothy Butler wrote:


> 	The winds are changing. Microsoft even seems to have ceded to ODF.

Well, that's not in stone yet. ;)

> PS: You'll notice I have always referred to Microsoft properly as  
> well, or in a neutral fashion (e.g. MS). However, if Fred ever did so,  
> the apocalypse would commence, I'm quite sure. It'd be like switching  
> to New Coke or something. "New Fred." May it never be!

Hehehehe......and it won't! ;) I coined that name, MickySoft, back in 
the days of FidoNet. Some knucklehead at MickySoft who used the handle 
"Steve Barkdoll was such a buffoon that he incurred my using that name. 
Others picked it up, and it's been used ever since. 'Nice to see a 
creation of mine withstand the tortures of time. :)


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