[OFB Cafe] Cafe List

Patrick Shanahan patrick.shanahan at gmail.com
Sat Jul 12 16:53:39 CDT 2008

* Timothy Butler <tbutler at ofb.biz> [07-12-08 17:36]:
> 	Mailman defaults to de-HTMLing, it seems. 

A Good Thing (tm)!

> I didn't realize that. My personal preference is for that, I'll
> confess, both because it keeps everything looking clean and it also
> means I won't have the archive on the server grow quickly as it loads
> up with WYSIWYG junk HTML code.  But, I *can* turn it off. How does
> everyone feel about that?

I would much prefer that you did *not*.

> 	The problem more likely is that Mailman rejects mail over 40kb in  
> size, in deference to those with lesser connections. Really, larger  
> stuff ought to be linked to, in my opinion. On a smaller list like  
> this one it isn't that big of deal, but larger lists make it totally  
> impractical for everyone to be attaching 1 meg files to their  
> messages. My inclination is to boost this to, say, 256kb, which would  
> be enough to send one appropriately downsized image (or more, even)  
> while still keeping some sanity to things. That sound fair?

Very much so, in fact, not necessary.  Linking is much more prudent.

> 	I never have trouble with plain text. I'll often use whatever the  
> person I am replying to uses. I like italics and such as much as the  
> next guy, but I don't like some of the excesses, in which peoples' e- 
> mails start to look about as bad as their MySpace pages (why I won't  
> use MySpace, but will use Facebook). I don't like Microsoft's default  
> to Word's rich text format, I'll note, because it makes life bad for  
> those who actually like standards. Winmail.dat files and everything  
> that goes with them are really awful, and given that plenty of people  
> use e-mail solutions incompatible with it, it is a serious annoyance  
> (and not just for alternative OS users).

hear, hear

Patrick Shanahan         Plainfield, Indiana, USA        HOG # US1244711
http://wahoo.no-ip.org     Photo Album:  http://wahoo.no-ip.org/gallery2
Registered Linux User #207535                    @ http://counter.li.org

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