[OFB Cafe] Checkin' out the Café

Timothy Butler tbutler at ofb.biz
Wed Jul 9 20:27:26 CDT 2008

> I was looking at a boat a while back and remember thinking, "I could  
> get a really fine car fully loaded for that price," and it wasn't  
> even a particularly huge boat.
> Well, they're expensive to build too, and actually more complicated  
> than a car.  My outboard motor was $19,000 alone but a big outboard  
> powerhead is more comparable to a NASCAR engine than a street car  
> engine.  Mount your car engine in a boat and run it at wide open  
> throttle at 6,000 rpm and it would maybe last 10 minutes, not to  
> mention the fact that it would have about as much power as a dead  
> pig since it's not cammed right for marine use.  All but the most  
> exotic automotive engines can only put out maximum power for a very  
> short period of time (usually less than a minute on the dyno) before  
> they either overheat or break something.

	Thanks for the list of reasons, Chris. That helps a lot. Another  
puzzle answered. I figured it must be something like that, but had  
never seen a concise explanation.


Timothy R. Butler | "Not  every end  is the  goal.  The end  of a
Editor, OfB.biz   | melody is not its goal,  and yet if  a melody
tbutler at ofb.biz   | has not  reached its end , it has not reached
timothybutler.us  | its goal."
                                            -- Friedrich Nietzsche

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