[OFB Cafe] anybody know anything about kde icon themes?

dep dep at linuxandmain.com
Thu Jan 24 13:15:21 CST 2008

greetings, chilluns . . .

i'm running the nifty kubuntu gutsy on an amd64. even found the 64-bit 
opera beta.

hate the default icon theme, and the other two provided are just as bad or 
worse. dug the kdeclassic icons out of an old suse 10.0 CD and have 'em 
extracted into a folder in my ~ directory. pointed kcontrol at 'em and it 
chided me that they're not a proper icon theme.

there is inexplicably no kdeclassic theme on kde-look. can't imagine why -- 
they already exist, after all. i've googled and seen some traffic 
involving desire to have these, but no joy as to where to get 'em (already 
did that) or how to install them. if it were a plain old kde install 
into /opt, i'd just dig into /share/icons and dump 'em there. or has some 
arcitectural thing happened?

anybody have any idea how i can get these things onto my system? i 
appreciate the fine work of the many excellent kde artists, but i'm kinda 
fond of the old ones.


how is everybody, btw?

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is like reporting a child molester to NAMBLA.
						-- me

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