[OFB Cafe] PD: Something to Fan the Flames... OFB Endorses Candidates

Timothy Butler tbutler at ofb.biz
Fri Feb 1 23:13:39 CST 2008


Ah, finally, someone takes the bait. We've needed a good  
flamewar. ;-) Thanks, Fred.

> the term "Pro life" was created by the anti-choice movement to make it
> appear like they weren't trying to force their religious views into
> the lives of people who don't share them.

You spin your way, I'll spin mine. Pro-Choice and Pro-Life both sound  
positive, and no one can -- of course -- believe both are.

> Huckabee believes "life
> begins at conception", which is such a ridiculous statement I can't
> even begin to rebut it. Not even the catholic cult shares that
> backward view.

Actually that's quite the Catholic view. I'm surprised you've heard  

> Huckabee's ilk are the ones responsible for dozens of
> abortion clinic bombings and attacks every year.

Oh, yes, of course. C'mon and every Democrat wants to seize all of my  
property and make me work in a commune, right? Stereotypes are stupid.

>   With Huckabee as
> president and people's reproductive rights firmly within the control
> of the federal government, we'll start to see these nutballs move onto
> their next goal; mandatory daily baptist church attendance and the
> forced conversion of all non-members.

	Yup. That's why I'm supporting him as a Presbyterian.

> your follow-up of "Nevertheless, McCain’s endorsement of embryonic
> stem cell research, which involves the destruction of embryos and the
> use of therapeutic cloning, is a cause for concern that tarnishes his
> otherwise strong, consistent record." just shows how blinded you are
> by your cult. You value potential life over the possibility of saving
> millions of actual lives each year. So much so that you'd rather see
> that potential life in the garbage than put to good use.

	Well, the fact that there are extra embryos laying around is another  
matter, and one beyond the scope of the SCNT debate. However, I  
oppose embryonic stem cell research for two reasons, not just the one  
about destroying embryos. SCNT is, if you've somehow missed it, full  
fledged cloning. I don't support human cloning. Do you?

> To continue the analogy, the US has broken half the items in the
> store, and you'd suggest we continue to walk around blindfolded wildly
> swinging a baseball bat instead of just walking out the door.  In
> addition to the store being destroyed, we decided to walk in barefoot
> and now we're stepping on hundreds of shattered glasses.

	Well, I think we need a better plan. The new plan over the last year  
is progress, but not perfect. My sense is that leaving will surely  
drag the middle east down into further chaos and force us (and a lot  
of other countries) into a much bigger war within a few years.

	Should we have gone in? That's neither here nor there unless you've  
got a time machine in your backyard. What we must deal with is that  
*we are there*.

> his first day in office.  Paul and Kucinich are the only two
> candidates with a reasonable plan for Iraq.

	I liked Paul a great deal. I reject him for the reasons the  
editorial staff agreed to include in the OFB piece. But, I supported  
him earlier in the campaign... until that arose. I'm just  
uncomfortable with the idea of someone who is potentially racist and  
an anti-semite getting my vote. I really want to like Paul.

	Kucinich on the other hand is the real nut.

	Huckabee, so far as I can discern is relatively sensible, articulate  
and stable. Show me where he's not.

> The patriot act is only the tip of the iceberg here, and both
> candidates you support have no problem with illegal wiretapping,
> domestic spying, torture of American citizens or foreign nationals,
> concentration camps like Guantanamo Bay, and any of the other
> practices of the current administration.

	Which is why I would like to support Paul instead, but can't.

	No major candidate has a good record on these things. So, what's a  
guy to do? Support someone who at least sounds sensible on other stuff.


Timothy R. Butler | "He that has and a little tiny wit—
Editor, OFB.biz   | With hey, ho, the wind and the rain,—
tbutler at ofb.biz   | Must make content with his fortunes fit,
timothybutler.us  | For the rain it raineth every day."
                                   -- Feste the Fool (Shakespeare)

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