[OFB Cafe] PD: Something to Fan the Flames... OFB Endorses Candidates

Fred Smith fps at xicada.com
Fri Feb 1 15:26:23 CST 2008

On Feb 1, 2008, at 1:59 PM, Fred A. Miller wrote:

> Fred Smith wrote:
>> On Jan 31, 2008, at 11:22 PM, Fred A. Miller wrote:
>>> I understand from others in the UK and elsewhere in Europe that is  
>>> the
>>> case. As bad as things are here, Europe is MUCH more liberal and
>>> illogical.
>> You keep using that word.  It doesn't mean what you think it means.
>> The word you're looking for is "socialist" or "leftist", perhaps, but
>> probably not liberal.  Liberalisim is the opposite of
>> Authoritarianism, and has nothing to do with socialism. They're on
>> completely seperate axes on the political map.  Most EU countries,
>> like the US government, are authoritarian, right wing (capitalist.) A
>> few are liberal, right wing.  None are left wing (socialist.)
> Really.........France was...until recently. I still consider that same
> for the UK.

France and the UK are socialist only in comparison to the US, and from  
the current frame of reference.

Politicalcompass.org sums it up pretty well:


>> http://politicalcompass.org/euchart
>> However, re-reading what you wrote, It's possible that you actually
>> don't like the liberal aspects of some EU countries, and that you  
>> hate
>> them for their freedom.  If that is the case, you were using the  
>> right
>> word, but why do you hate freedom?
> You don't understand the term "liberal".........we don't agree on it's
> meaning.

Ok, well, you can go ahead and redefine "liberal" to mean "socialist",  
but I'll stand by my statement that the two have nothing to do with  
one another.  Liberals believe in freedom.  Be it economic freedom,  
freedom of (or from) religion, freedom of speech, freedom of travel,  
freedom of lifestyle choices, etc.  Socialists believe in large  
government-run social programs and safety nets. 

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