Fred Smith fps at xicada.com
Sun Aug 31 12:30:13 CDT 2008

On Sun, Aug 31, 2008 at 1:21 PM, Fred A. Miller <fmiller at lightlink.com> wrote:
>> So which is it? In mind, I'd rather have a facist in the VP slot than
>> a facist as president.
> I agree, so then don't vote for NOBama.....but then, he's really a Marxist.

You still don't even have a clue what that word means..

McCain is the one that wants to raise your taxes and dump them into
government sponsored welfare programs, all the while spending more
than he takes in by simply printing more money and devaluing your
currency.   McCain is the one that wants to replace privately run
industries with government agencies.

Maybe you should actually spend some time researching the candidates
and the changes that have happened in the GOP since Reagan.

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