[OFB Cafe] Homeland Security: We can seize laptops for an indefinite period

Derek Broughton auspex at pointerstop.ca
Thu Aug 7 12:17:17 CDT 2008

On August 7, 2008 14:03:35 Rick Bowers wrote:

> The article states "... customs agents can routinely--as a matter of
> course-- seize, make copies of, and "analyze the information
> transported by any individual attempting to enter, re-enter, depart,
> pass through, or reside in the United States.""
> So even if I'm flying domestically, this could apply. Of course, it's
> rare to see customs agents at the gates of domestic flights.

I'm sure that was never the intent - though if the law permits it, I'm sure it 
_will_ happen, but "pass through" is included to explicitly include those 
people typically travelling to or from Canada and a third country with a stop 
in an American airport, even if they're continuing on the same plane.  Ie, 
it's to allow them to extend the level of harrassment they can level at 
foreigners, because deporting them to Syria when they're travelling on 
Canadian passports isn't enough.

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